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May 4, 2024

New Orleans Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Were you injured by a car while walking? If so, you may have grounds for a lawsuit. Consult a pedestrian accident attorney in New Orleans to hold the liable party in your accident accountable and seek a settlement for your losses.

As a citizen in New Orleans, you shouldn’t feel afraid to walk across the street. Unfortunately, however, pedestrians in New Orleans are at risk of getting injured in the road because drivers are often negligent. Pedestrian accidents may occur if drivers don’t pay attention to signals or drive through intersections without warning.
If you’ve been injured while walking across the street in New Orleans, you can identify who’s liable and sue them for any losses you suffer. A New Orleans pedestrian accident lawyer from Smiley Injury Law, LLC can use evidence from your accident to argue your case in court and work to get you the settlement you deserve. 
Hopefully, after obtaining a settlement, you can use the money you win to heal from your injuries quickly and return to life as normal. 

Causes of Pedestrian Accidents in New Orleans

Most pedestrian accidents in New Orleans are caused by negligence on behalf of vehicle drivers. Vehicle drivers may hit pedestrians in the road if they’re speeding, driving under the influence, failing to yield, distracted behind the wheel, or drowsy while driving. Many pedestrian accidents occur when drivers act negligently at night, and a lack of visibility contributes to the collision.
In rare instances, car malfunctions or traffic signal malfunctions can also cause pedestrian accidents in New Orleans. When a malfunction causes a pedestrian accident, the part or car manufacturer or the city may be held accountable for damages.
To identify the cause of your pedestrian accident, you may need the help of a pedestrian accident lawyer in New Orleans. An experienced attorney can investigate your case and use key information from the scene of the accident, such as the police report, traffic camera footage, and witness statements, to determine what caused your New Orleans pedestrian accident and who’s at fault. 

Types of New Orleans Pedestrian Accident Injuries

Pedestrians can suffer severe and sometimes life-altering injuries when they get hit by cars in New Orleans. Unlike in car accidents, pedestrians aren’t protected by the shell of a vehicle, and their bodies will absorb any force delivered by the car that hits them. 
Spinal damage, traumatic brain injuries, and bone fractures often result from pedestrian accidents in New Orleans, and it is not uncommon for pedestrian accidents to even result in death. Any negligent party that’s responsible for injuring a pedestrian should be fully responsible for the losses that the victim suffers.
Although financial compensation may not heal the victim or the victim’s family completely, a settlement can help treat any injuries and make it easier for the victim to recover without financial distress holding them back. 

How to Prove Fault in Your New Orleans Pedestrian Accident

Proving fault in a New Orleans pedestrian accident can be more complex than it seems. Although you may know who injured you, it’ll take evidence to prove liability in court. As soon as your accident occurs, you should seek help from a New Orleans pedestrian accident attorney who can work with both the police and your doctors.
Your legal team can make sure every receipt, medical record, and accessible police document is used in your case as evidence, so that when you go to court, the evidence supports your argument. 

Maximizing Your New Orleans Pedestrian Accident Claim

Once you can convince the judge and jury who’s at fault for causing your New Orleans pedestrian accident, you can then maximize your New Orleans pedestrian accident claim by accounting for your financial and nonfinancial losses.
Financial losses may include any income you’ve lost from taking time away from work or medical expenses from treating your injuries. Nonfinancial losses may include pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, scarring and disfigurement, and loss of consortium

Contact a New Orleans Pedestrian Accident Attorney

A pedestrian accident in New Orleans can be devastating and may leave you with both physical and emotional injuries. By taking legal action against the liable party in your accident, you can fight for both justice and the settlement you need to recover from your injuries quickly. With the help of a strong legal team, suing for compensation can be easier than you think.
To speak with a New Orleans pedestrian accident lawyer from Smiley Injury Law, LLC, fill out the contact form below or call 504-894-9653 to schedule a free consultation.


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