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May 7, 2024

Kenner Car Accident Lawyer

Were you injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault? If so, then you may sue the at-fault party in your wreck. Reach out to a car accident lawyer in Kenner for information on how to prove liability and obtain the compensation you deserve.

Most people in the Kenner area and beyond know car accidents are a potential danger while driving, but the chance of getting into a car accident doesn’t stop many individuals from acting negligently behind the wheel. Until a car accident affects an individual’s personal life, it’s hard to understand how severe the consequences can be.

If you’ve been injured in a Kenner car accident and someone else was at fault, you should hold the at-fault party responsible so they learn their lesson. Not only do you deserve justice for what’s happened, but you can also receive settlement money to help you recover from your injuries.

At Smiley Injury Law, LLC, we can negotiate on your behalf in court. A Kenner car accident lawyer from our team will gather evidence from your case and use it to maximize your claim. 

Types of Kenner Car Accidents

Kenner car accidents often involve more than one driver. When a Kenner multi-car accident occurs, one driver may have caused the car accident because they were speeding, driving while distracted, driving under the influence, or disobeying other rules of the road. In single-car accidents, however, determining liability is often more difficult.

Roadway hazards or vehicle malfunctions may cause single-car accidents in Kenner. A roadway hazard could be no one’s fault, but after further investigation by your car accident lawyer in Kenner, you may determine that a government entity is liable for an unrepaired pothole or missing guardrail on the road. Alternatively, your car manufacturer could be liable for a vehicle malfunction. 

Car Accident Injuries You Could Suffer in Kenner

Car accident injuries in Kenner can be severe and may change the course of your life forever. Depending on the accident, you may suffer bone fractures, spinal damage, or a traumatic brain injury from your car accident. It’s essential that you receive the maximum settlement so you can obtain the best medical treatment possible. 

Aside from physical injuries, you may experience emotional effects from your Kenner car accident. Post-traumatic stress disorder is common in car accident victims, and though emotional injuries aren’t visible, they should be taken just as seriously as physical injuries. 

Consult a Kenner Car Accident Attorney

You can prove negligence in your Kenner car accident claim using evidence such witness statements, photographs, and video footage. Your medical records are essential to link your injuries to the accident. Once you prove negligence, you can account for your damages, both economic and non-economic.

At Smiley Injury Law, LLC, we care about your recovery and want you to focus on healing while we handle the logistics of your claim. If you’re ready to take legal action with the help of a Kenner car accident lawyer from our team, fill out the contact form below or call 504-894-9653 to schedule a free consultation.


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