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May 5, 2024

Harahan Car Accident Lawyer

Have you been significantly injured in a car accident? If so, it’s possible to file a lawsuit. Contact a car accident attorney in Harahan to determine who’s responsible for your accident and file a claim against them.

Millions of car accidents happen in the U.S. each year. Although Harahan is a small city in Louisiana, it’s not safe from roadway danger. When car accident injuries occur, victims can suffer physical and emotional consequences that change their lives forever. The recovery process can also cause financial hardship as medical expenses pile up.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident but you weren’t at fault, you shouldn’t have to bear the financial burden of your wreck. At Smiley Injury Law, LLC we can file a claim for you and help you recover the compensation you deserve. With a Harahan car accident lawyer from our team, you can get justice for what you’ve been through and recover from your accident more easily.

Car Accident Injuries That Can Occur in Harahan

Car accident injuries in Harahan may be moderate, severe, or life-altering. Some injuries that may occur include bone fractures, internal bleeding, burns, spinal damage, and traumatic brain injuries. Even if you’re obeying the rules of the road and wearing a seatbelt during your car accident, you can suffer injuries if the impact of your accident is strong enough.

Whom Should You Sue For Your Harahan Car Accident?

If another driver hit you in Harahan, then it’s possible the driver who hit you is at fault. However, there may be more than one at-fault party in your car accident. Your car accident lawyer in Harahan can investigate the scene of the wreck and gather all available evidence. Using this evidence, your lawyer will identify all liable parties to maximize your claim.

Some parties you can sue in a car accident include:

  • The driver of the colliding vehicle
  • The car manufacturer 
  • A government entity, if a roadway hazard caused your accident
  • A car repair shop
  • The manufacturer of defective car equipment

An example of multiple at-fault parties may include the driver of the colliding vehicle and the car manufacturer. If a distracted driver hit you, the driver would be at fault. However, if your injuries were made worse because your car’s airbag was defective, then the car manufacturer would also be at fault.

Reach Out to a Harahan Car Accident Attorney

Recovering from your car accident may not be easy. But it’ll be even harder without the money to pay your expenses. At Smiley Injury Law, LLC, we’ll handle your claim from start to finish so you can focus on your wellbeing. Once you win the settlement you deserve, you can move forward feeling relieved and more equipped to move forward.

If you’re ready to discuss your case in greater detail with a Harahan car accident lawyer from our firm, schedule a free consultation by calling 504-894-9653 or by filling out the contact form below.


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