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May 13, 2024

Dangerous Intersections in New Orleans

May 13, 2024

Car accidents commonly occur at intersections in New Orleans because vehicle drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists can have difficulty communicating with one another quickly and nonverbally. It may be hard for one driver to turn, for instance, while another driver merges. At the same time, a pedestrian may walk across the street and a bicyclist may ride through the intersection.
With various scenarios occurring at intersections and the potential for negligent behavior by all parties involved, it’s no surprise that accidents occur frequently at intersections that New Orleans residents use often. We’ve named some of the most dangerous intersections in New Orleans so you can stay aware of these areas in the future.
If you’ve already been injured in an accident and believe someone else was at fault, a New Orleans car accident lawyer from our team at Smiley Law Firm, LLC can help.

Poydras Street and Camp Street

It’s essential for busy intersections in New Orleans to have both traffic signals and clear pedestrian signals. If they don’t, everyone at the intersection is put in danger. The intersection at Poydras Street and Camp Street is dangerous, because although there’s a traffic signal, the pedestrian signal isn’t clear. Pedestrians may take risks when crossing if there aren’t clear numbers counting down when to go.

Bourbon Street and Canal Street

Bourbon Street is one of the most highly trafficked streets in New Orleans for pedestrians, and Canal Street is one of the mostly highly trafficked streets in New Orleans for vehicles. When these two streets meet, it can be a dangerous combination. Pedestrian accidents can happen frequently in this area because of both negligent drivers and negligent pedestrians. It’s essential for all parties to stay aware.

South Claiborne Avenue and Gravier Street

South Claiborne Avenue is also known as Highway 90, and it’s a busy street. This intersection results in car accidents because vehicle drivers are merging onto or off Highway 90 from Gravier Street. Changes in speed play a large role in car accidents when vehicle drivers are preparing to merge, so it can be helpful to prepare for merges ahead of time by slowing down and staying alert.

Iberville Street and North Peters Street

There’s no traffic signal at the intersection between Iberville and North Peters Street, which makes it a dangerous place for pedestrians. Vehicle drivers should be aware when crossing through this area because stop signs aren’t as reliable as traffic lights. Negligent drivers may not see the stop sign at this intersection so you should always approach with caution.

South Peters Street and Poydras Street

The intersection of South Peters and Poydras Street in downtown New Orleans is located right next to Harrah’s Casino and Hotel. This area sees a significant amount of traffic from locals and tourists alike. Any downtown area is going to see an increase in collisions because of congested streets, so when driving in this area, stay on high alert.

Consult a New Orleans Car Accident Attorney

Car accidents happen frequently at intersections, but they can happen at any time you’re driving your vehicle. If you get into an accident and need help taking legal action against the liable party in your wreck, reach out to our team at Smiley Law Firm, LLC. Fill out the contact form below or call 504-894-9653 to schedule a free consultation with a New Orleans car accident lawyer.

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