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April 28, 2024

Tips to Stop Distracted Driving in Teen Drivers

April 28, 2024

Today in the Parents of Teen Drivers official Facebook Group we are going to be talking about distracted driving and what we can do to solve this problem.

Distracted driving is a huge issue when it comes to teens getting behind the wheel of a vehicle. Inexperienced drivers are particularly susceptible to distractions and we need to find ways to stop accidents happening due to this.

Cellphones are the main problem, but stereos, changing the station on the radio, friends talking and taking the teen driver’s attention away from the road and other concerns are all issues that need to be addressed. They are all huge safety risks.

The best way to stop accidents from happening is to find and stop the root cause.

Our aim is to figure out ways to eliminate these accidents from occurring. Positive steps would be encouraging cell phones to be put in the trunk or another part of the car, or simply being switched off to totally avoid that temptation while driving.

Voice-operated radios and stereos seem to be a good option to make things easier for teen drivers.

Education is another positive method. Teens know the risks of driving but they do need to be reminded of the dangers they put themselves in by not fully concentrating on the road. They need to have it on their mind every time they drive that sometimes it only takes a millisecond of losing concentration to cause an accident.

There are lots of other things that we can do to avoid distractions in teens while behind the wheel of a car. It is vital that we find solutions as it is a leading cause of death for teenagers.

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